Field | Type | Description |
title | string | The general title of the analysis |
tariffConditions | string [] | Array of tariff condition IDs. |
projectionFactor | number | The projection factor of the analysis |
n | integer | The record count of the analysis |
languages | string [] | ISO 639-1 language codes (Array of strings) |
next | string | ID of the succeeding analysis, if available else null. |
titleBrowser | string | A title string intended to represent the analysis in browser views |
periods | Period [] | Array of the periods supported by the analysis. |
timeFrame | AnalysisTimeFrame | The time frame of the analysis. |
previous | string | ID of the preceding analysis, if available else null. |
defaultProjection | number | Default magnitude of extrapolation |
infoAttributes | InfoAttribute [] | Array of generic info attributes (key-value pairs). |
revision | string | Revision stamp of analysis file. |
titleFull | string | The complete notation of the analysis title |
id | string | The ID of the analysis |
titleRoot | string | Base part of the analysis title e.g. without designation of its population |
Field | Type | Description |
length_sec | number | Advertisement spot length in number of seconds. |
internalFrequency | integer | Number of placements of the advertisement within the same issue. |
Field | Type | Description |
key | string | The key of the medium in the analysis. |
time | string | Time code. Corresponding code field from the BrowserAirtime model. |
Field | Type | Description |
longTitle | string | A more detailed label for the time item |
code | string | The reference code of the time to be used by BroadcastMedium count items |
display | string | The abbreviated label to be applied while browsing items |
shortTitle | string | The short label of the time item |
Field | Type | Description |
notUsable | boolean | Flag indicating if the target audience is not usable in the analysis |
key | string | The key of the target audience |
Base type of all items of the browser tree
Field | Type | Description |
description | string | A somewhat detailed description of the browser item |
shortTitle | string | The short label of the browser item |
longTitle | string | A more detailed label for the browser item |
type | string | The subtype of the browser item |
display | string | The abbreviated label to be applied while browsing items |
hints | string | Phrase containing hints for the application of the browser item. Typical comma separated user defined keywords. |
Field | Type | Description |
notUsable | boolean | Flag indicating if the medium is not usable in the analysis |
infos | REF_MODEL_map | Generic map of info attributes |
description | string | A somewhat more detailed description of the medium |
key | string | The object key/id of the medium |
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | The ID of the browser node |
notUsable | boolean | Flag indicating that the node is not usable in the analysis, i.e. all of its descendants are not usable |
children | BrowserItem [] | Children of that node - optional, if requested |
Field | Type | Description |
max | number | Upper limit of the range for the quantity |
notUsable | boolean | Flag indicating if the target audience is not usable in the analysis |
key | string | The key of the target audience |
min | number | Lower limit of the range for the quantity |
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | The ID of the browser node |
groups | ScaleGroup [] | Array of scale groups |
Hit of the browser search
Field | Type | Description |
item | BrowserItem | Browser item found by the search |
parent | string | The ID of the parent browser node |
path | string [] | Segments of the item path in the browser tree |
Field | Type | Description |
max | number | Upper limit of contact class interval. |
min | number | Lower limit of contact class interval. |
Field | Type | Description |
contactClasses | ContactClass [] | Array of contact class range expressions |
Field | Type | Description |
max | number | Upper limit of the count of the present features. |
min | number | Lower limit of the count of the present features. |
Field | Type | Description |
dates | DateInterval [] | List of date intervals. |
transformers | ContactClassesTransformer [] | Array of transformer objects to be applied to count request. |
items | CountItem [] | Items to be counted. Items can be audiences, media or combinations of them. |
dataMultiplier | string | Data multiplier expression to modify performance data evaluation |
period | string | Default period for sampling. It is applied to all online media which are short-defined just by their key attribute. |
prefilter | CountItem | A CountItem narrowing down the population of the count request |
filters | CountItem [] | Array of count items to be applied as evaluation filters. |
fields | REF_MODEL_[u’amount’, u’contacts’, u’contacts_k’, u’contacts_M’, u’cpm’, u’currency’, u’extrapolation_k’, u’extrapolation_M’, u’grossAmount’, u’grp’, u’index’, u’netAmount’, u’ots’, u’percent’, u’rawSample’, u’sample’, u’share’, u’tariffStatus’, u’totalAudience’, u’unweightedCases’] [] | Fields to be returned (Array of field names). Defaults to contacts, rawSample, sample. |
contactLevel | string | Level of contact with advertising. Defaults to media exposure. |
conditions | TariffConditions | Tariff conditions to be applied to cost calculations. |
Field | Type | Description |
type | string | The subtype tag to suggest the concrete type of the count item. |
Field | Type | Description |
status | integer | A status code indicating a possible error for this result item - 0 if there is no error |
cpm | number | Cost per mill (CPM). Included if requested by fields collection of request. |
contacts | number | The number of contacts. Included by default or if requested by fields collection of request. |
sample | number | The weighted number of cases. Included by default or if requested by fields collection of request. |
tariff | TariffResult | Tariff specific calculation results |
rawSample | number | The raw i.e. not weighted number of cases. Included or if requested by fields collection of request. |
Field | Type | Description |
to | string | Date string representation according ISO 8601. |
from | string | Date string representation according ISO 8601. |
Field | Type | Description |
impressions | integer | Number of times a specific visitor is presented the advertisement. |
forTotal | boolean | TBD. If omitted assumed to be true. |
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | ID of this tariff conditions. |
internalFrequency | integer | Number of placements of the advertisement within the same issue. |
entries | GenericConditionsEntry [] | Array of generic tariff conditions entries |
Field | Type | Description |
alternateKey | string | Alternate key to be applied if original key is not applicable. |
key | string | Key to be applied. |
factor | number | Multiplication factor. |
Field | Type | Description |
value | string | The value of the info attribute. |
key | string | The key of the info attribute. |
Field | Type | Description |
index | number | Index of the related count item |
projection | number | The projection of the case number onto the population of the study |
Field | Type | Description |
prefilter | CountItem | A CountItem narrowing down the population of the intersections calculation |
items | CountItem [] | Count items to be included. Items can be audiences, media or combinations of them. |
audience | CountItem | A CountItem narrowing down the audience of the intersections calculation |
Field | Type | Description |
index | number | Bitwise combination of the powers of two of the indexes of the involved count items |
projection | number | The projection of the case number onto the population of the study |
Field | Type | Description |
projection | number | The projection of the case number onto the population of the study |
Field | Type | Description |
singles | IntersectionsIndividualReach [] | Performance data of the individual count items |
monos | IntersectionsPartialReach [] | Performance data of all exclusive AND-combinations of the individual count items |
overall | IntersectionsReach | Performance of the OR-combination of all individual count items |
Field | Type | Description |
number | integer | The number part of the issue date. It forms an 1-based index within the year. Its unit is defined by the unit field. |
unit | string | The unit of the number component of the issue date. |
year | integer | The year part of the issue date. |
Field | Type | Description |
dates | DateInterval [] | List of date intervals. |
fields | string [] | Fields to be returned (Array of strings) |
period | string | Default period for sampling. It is applied to all online media in placements which are short-defined just by their key attribute. |
prefilter | CountItem | A CountItem narrowing down the population of the plan |
filters | CountItem [] | Array of count items to be applied as evaluation filters. |
conditions | TariffConditions | Tariff conditions to be applied to all placements. |
placements | Placement [] | Advertisement placements (Array of Placement objects) |
Field | Type | Description |
style | string | Print style. |
format | string | Advertisement print format id. |
internalFrequency | integer | Number of placements of the advertisement within the same issue. |
gutterBleed | string | Gutter bleed demand. (Print across gutter.) |
altFormat | string | Alternative advertisement print format id. |
colorReduction | string | Allowed way of color reduction. |
fallback | string | Allowed fallback format selection. |
bleed | string | Bleed demand. |
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | The ID of the marketer |
agofId | string | AGOF ID of the marketer. |
name | string | The name of the marketer |
Field | Type | Description |
status | integer | A status code indicating a possible error for this result item - 0 if there is no error |
cpm | number | Cost per mill (CPM). Included if requested by fields collection of request. |
contacts | number | The number of contacts. Included by default or if requested by fields collection of request. |
sample | number | The weighted number of cases. Included by default or if requested by fields collection of request. |
key | string | The key of the medium which corresponds to the result item. Included by default or if requested by fields collection of request. |
rawSample | number | The raw i.e. not weighted number of cases. Included or if requested by fields collection of request. |
Field | Type | Description |
fields | string [] | List of fields to return for all matching media objects. |
dates | DateInterval [] | List of date intervals. |
where | REF_MODEL_WhereClause |
Field | Type | Description |
style | string | Print style. |
size_mm | number | Arbitrary advertisement size in millimeters. Overrules format property if provided. |
internalFrequency | integer | Number of placements of the advertisement within the same issue. |
colorReduction | string | Allowed way of color reduction. |
format | string | Advertisement print format id. |
Field | Type | Description |
specialFixedPriceIgnoresFrequency | boolean | Flag indicating if a present special fixed price ignores the frequency. |
specialFixedPrice | number | Possibly negotiated special fixed price. |
altAdFormat | string | Alternative advertisement format. |
pricing | string | |
fixedPriceWithShare | boolean | Flag indicating if the fixed price is applied with share. |
adFormat | string | Advertisement format. |
specialCpm | number | Possibly negotiated special cpm price. |
Field | Type | Description |
dates | DateInterval [] | List of date intervals. |
conditions | TariffConditions | Tariff conditions to be applied to evaluation of that individual medium |
period | string | Reference period for sampling and extrapolation. Can be omitted if a default period is provided with the request. |
key | string | The key of the medium in the analysis. |
Field | Type | Description |
description | string | The description of the period. |
key | string | The key to reference this period. |
Field | Type | Description |
dates | DateInterval [] | List of date intervals. |
medium | Medium | Medium to be placed. Alternatively an index number into media table of plan my be provided. |
targeting | Targeting | Targeting to be applied to the placement. If omitted no targeting is applied. |
dataMultiplier | string | Data multiplier expression to modify performance data evaluation |
share | number | Fraction of delivered pages to be allocated. |
specialDiscounts | SpecialDiscounts | Possibly allowed special discounts. |
frequency | integer | The frequency of the placement. |
tag | string | Tag to mark the placement for subsequent identification in plan details result |
frequencyCapping | FrequencyCapping | Frequency capping to be applied to the placement. If omitted no frequency capping is applied. |
pi | integer | Page impressions to be delivered. |
conditions | TariffConditions | Tariff conditions to be applied to that individual placement. |
Field | Type | Description |
result | PlanDetailsResult | |
groupDetails | PlanDetailsGroupDetails [] | Group of media and placements |
Field | Type | Description |
cases | REF_MODEL_float | Cases |
projection | REF_MODEL_float | Projection of the cases at the overall audience of the underlying study |
Field | Type | Description |
groupType | string | |
media | PlanDetailsMedium [] | List of media in this group |
result | PlanDetailsResult |
Field | Type | Description |
result | PlanDetailsResult | |
placements | PlanDetailsPlacement [] | List of media in this group |
Field | Type | Description |
cases | REF_MODEL_float | Cases |
projection | REF_MODEL_float | Projection of the cases at the overall audience of the underlying study |
contacts | REF_MODEL_float | Contacts |
Field | Type | Description |
currency | string | Currency of money |
amount | REF_MODEL_float | Amount of money |
Field | Type | Description |
targetingSummaryLong | string | Long summary of the applied targeting features and their combination |
piMax | REF_MODEL_float | Maximum page impressions |
targetingId | string | Actually applied targeting ID |
fcExtraCpm | PlanDetailsMoney | Extra CPM caused by frequency capping |
eventualShare | REF_MODEL_float | Eventual share considering frequency capping and targeting |
fcForTotal | boolean | Frequency capping for total flag |
targetingExtraCpm | PlanDetailsMoney | Extra CPM caused by targeting |
rateCardCpm | PlanDetailsMoney | The CPM from the rate card |
targetingSummaryShort | string | Short summary of the applied targeting features and their combination |
basisCpm | PlanDetailsMoney | Applied basis CPM |
totalCpm | PlanDetailsMoney | Resulting total CPM of the placement |
frequencyCapping | integer | Actually applied frequency capping |
pi | REF_MODEL_float | Page impressions |
Field | Type | Description |
tag | string | Reflected tag value from the corresponding placement of the request |
result | PlanDetailsResult | |
online | PlanDetailsOnlineData |
Field | Type | Description |
cpmNet | PlanDetailsMoney | Net cost per mill contacts |
ots | REF_MODEL_float | Opportunity to see |
cpm | PlanDetailsMoney | Cost per mill contacts |
grp | REF_MODEL_float | Gross rate point |
rawCases | REF_MODEL_float | Raw/unweighted Cases |
share | REF_MODEL_float | Ratio of the cases with respect to the medium at the overall audience |
contacts | REF_MODEL_float | Contacts |
percent | REF_MODEL_float | Ration of cases with respect to the target audience |
contactsShare | REF_MODEL_float | Ratio of the contacts with respect to the medium at the overall audience |
grpIndex | REF_MODEL_float | GRP index |
cpmUser | PlanDetailsMoney | Cost per mill user |
audience | PlanDetailsAudienceResult | Result details with respect to the applied audience (and prefilter) |
index | REF_MODEL_float | Affinity index |
prefilter | PlanDetailsAudienceResult | Result details with respect to the applied prefilter |
cpmGross | PlanDetailsMoney | Gross cost per mill contacts |
total | REF_MODEL_float | Total audience (german: WNK) |
tariff | TariffResult | Tariff specific calculation results |
cases | REF_MODEL_float | Cases |
structure | PlanDetailsMediumResult | Result details with respect to the applied booking unit (and prefilter) |
projection | REF_MODEL_float | Projection of the cases at the overall audience of the underlying study |
Field | Type | Description |
max | number | The maximum value of the quantitative property to match. |
min | number | The minimum value of the quantitative property to match. |
Field | Type | Description |
date | Date | Reference date for the selection of the effective rate card. |
seasonal | boolean | Apply seasonal prices. |
daysOfWeek | string [] | Days of Week. (Array of strings) |
allowIgnoreDate | boolean | Allow to ignore the provided date. |
dateRule | string | The rule to be applied while selecting the rate card by date. |
Field | Type | Description |
display | string | The display text of the scale element |
Field | Type | Description |
amount3 | number | Special discount amount #3. |
amount2 | number | Special discount amount #2. |
amount1 | number | Special discount amount #1. |
amount5 | number | Special discount amount 5. |
amount4 | number | Special discount amount #.4 |
type | string | Way of application of the discount amounts. |
Field | Type | Description |
keys | string [] | The keys of the targetings to be applied. |
wastage | number | Percentage of page impressions consumed by other than the requested target audiences. If omitted assumed to be zero. |
Field | Type | Description |
gross | boolean | Flag to define if the gross amounts are to be calculated. Not gross means net. |
generic | GenericConditions | Generic tariff conditions |
cinema | BroadcastConditions | Cinema specific tariff conditions |
tv | BroadcastConditions | TV specific tariff conditions |
agencyCommission | number | An agency commission to be discounted possibly. |
rateCard | RateCardSelector | Specification of rate card selection criteria. |
newspaper | NewspaperConditions | Newspaper specific tariff conditions |
magazine | MagazineConditions | Magazine specific tariff conditions |
radio | BroadcastConditions | Radio specific tariff conditions |
online | OnlineConditions | Online specific tariff conditions |
cashDiscount | number | A cash discount to be taken into account possibly. |
vat | number | Value added tax to be taken into account. |
Field | Type | Description |
status | string | A string token representing the status of the tariff calculation |
gross | PlanDetailsMoney | Gross costs of the related media plan item |
afterSpecialDiscount5 | PlanDetailsMoney | Cost considering special discount #5 |
afterCashDiscount | PlanDetailsMoney | Cost considering cash discount |
afterSpecialDiscount3 | PlanDetailsMoney | Cost considering special discount #3 |
afterSpecialDiscount2 | PlanDetailsMoney | Cost considering special discount #2 |
afterSpecialDiscount1 | PlanDetailsMoney | Cost considering special discount #1 |
afterSpecialDiscount4 | PlanDetailsMoney | Cost considering special discount #4 |
pricing | string | |
afterTariffDiscount | PlanDetailsMoney | Cost considering tariff discount |
net | PlanDetailsMoney | Net costs of the related media plan item |
afterAgencyCommission | PlanDetailsMoney | Cost considering agency commission |
adFormat | string | Actually applied advertisement format. |